Kingdom Business + Ministry Accelerator

The 5-Day MBA for High-Achieving Christians

The Business + Ministry Course to 
Increase Your Impact, Influence, and Income!

The Business + Ministry Course to Increase Your Impact, Influence, and Income!

Get It All Now for Just $95 $5!

Get It All Now for 
Just $95 $5! 

Get the exact training, frameworks, and systems you need to succeed in business or ministry. 
5 Life-Changing Messages from 5 World-Changing Christian Leaders!
5 Life-Changing Messages from 5 World-Changing Christian Leaders!
Lesson 1: The Business + Ministry Blueprint with Tamara Lowe
Discover the proven system to take your life, purpose, and finances to the next level! Whether it's advancing in your career, business, or ministry, you'll learn exactly what it takes to succeed in this jam-packed, practical training. 
Lesson 2: How to Multiply Your Talents for the Kingdom of God with John Bevere
You are called to be a multiplier! You have been entrusted with talents that demand a return on investment. In this powerful teaching you'll be challenged to take your calling seriously, and you'll get equipped with the Biblical truth to accelerate your fruitfulness. 
Lesson 3: The Art of Leadership with John C. Maxwell
Get behind-the-scenes access to a modern day legend of the faith in this exclusive interview. Discover how John Maxwell charted his path to selling over 40 million books, leading millions of people to faith, and so much more. 
Lesson 4: Billionaire Business Mindsets with Dave Hodgson
Can you prosper both financially and be fruitful for the Kingdom? Dave Hodgson, with over $5 Billion Dollars in assets under management across 33 companies, will teach you how to build a business that honors God and prospers financially. 
Lesson 5: Kingdom Women: Fulfill Your Calling with Lisa Bevere
Women have a divine purpose in the body of Christ. In this powerful teaching, Lisa Bevere empowers women to embrace their unique anointing to connect, protect, and foster generational legacies - whether in your business, ministry, or family.  

The Business + Ministry Course to 
Increase Your Impact, Influence, and Income!

The Business + Ministry Course to Increase Your Impact, Influence, and Income!

Get It All Now for Just $95 $5!

Get It All Now for 
Just $95 $5! 

Get the exact training, frameworks, and systems you need to succeed in business or ministry. 
5 Life-Changing Messages from 5 World-Changing Christian Leaders!
5 Life-Changing Messages from 5 World-Changing Christian Leaders!

Get Ready to Take Your Life, Business, and Ministry to The Next Level!

  •  How to Give Birth to Your God-Sized Dream
  • ​Get Clarity on Your Kingdom Assignment in 2025
  •  How to Turn Your Message into a Global Ministry
  • ​The Little Known Secrets to Success in Business
  • ​How to Make It as an Author, Speaker, and Coach
  • Why Business + Ministry = Success
  • ​The Superior Model to Change Your World
  •  How to Run Your Race at the Pace of Peace
  • ​​Top Online Business Strategies for 2025
  • ​And Much, Much More!
These powerful messages are curated from the #1 degree program that's helping Christians transform their life, business, and ministry - Vision International University's Business + Ministry Double Degree Program!

Aicha Barry

Bestselling Author and Speaker

"I had no clue what God had in store when he brought me here! By earning my degrees with VIU, I've been able to flourish as a kingdom leader and grow spiritually while building my own profitable business and ministry."

Robert Chauharjasingh

Business Coach

"I'm overjoyed to be in VIU's Business and Ministry Double Degree Program. Taking this leap of faith has brought me into a supportive and inspiring community of believers where I feel at home, sharing the same faith and values."

Sandra Krug

Legal Nurse Consultant

"I did not really think I could get a ministry degree... or a business degree. Now I have both! It was amazing to study from home, at my own pace, and learn from the world's most respected  business and ministry leaders!

100% No-Risk Money Back Guarantee

If you're not inspired, re-fired, excited and delighted by The Business + Ministry Accelerator, we'll give you a 100% refund, no questions asked!  

Copyright @ 2025 Vision International University